Some “well-educated” fashion 2

Some “well-educated” fashion

Do you want to let everyone on the train know how well educated you are? Some “well educated” fashion may be just what the conductor ordered… It has always been my dream to have...

Cat Facts: The wonderful art left on my train seat 0

Cat Facts: The wonderful art left on my train seat

From my experience riding the trains, it seems that Metro-North has quite the diverse assortment of employees. The people they employ can claim heritage from many different countries and backgrounds. There are some old...

Wednesday Boredom: If Metro-North was run by cats… 5

Wednesday Boredom: If Metro-North was run by cats…

It’s like Caturday… except on Wednesday! Here’s what Metro-North employees would look like, if the railroad were run by cats: I swear to you, I harbor no resentment towards track workers. Really.


The MTA wants to make sure you are PREPARED!

It has come to my attention that there may be some more snow in our forecast… Considering the fun times we had with the last snow, I figured I’d pass along some important information...

Metro North Operations Control Center: After Hours 3

Metro North Operations Control Center: After Hours

Metro-North released some images of their new Operations Control Center… and looking at those big screens… well, I couldn’t resist. Here’s what goes on in the control center after hours: In all seriousness, the...

LIRR’s Amusing Watch the Gap Rap 0

LIRR’s Amusing Watch the Gap Rap

@LIRRScoop just tweeted a new video posted on YouTube, called the Gap Rap. I LOL’ed and had to share. [youtube:] I do think @MetroNorthTweet needs to teach @LIRRScoop to tweet, properly post links, and...