Author: Emily

Happy 100th, Grand Central Terminal! 7

Happy 100th, Grand Central Terminal!

At this exact time, 100 years ago, Grand Central Terminal opened its doors to the public for the very first time. Here’s a fun timeline of the century plus history of Grand Central. Happy...

A recap of our Grand Central 100 for 100 Project 2

A recap of our Grand Central 100 for 100 Project

Today’s the big celebration for Grand Central’s 100th. Here’s a quick recap of the 100 photos we featured for the past 100 days to celebrate the centennial. Look for something super cool tomorrow at...

The Coolest Place in Grand Central: The Clock Tower 10

The Coolest Place in Grand Central: The Clock Tower

For the past several months I’ve been taking you to some of the more interesting places throughout Grand Central, past and present. In such a big building, especially one that has been around for...

Sending postcards from Grand Central… 6

Sending postcards from Grand Central…

When it comes to any monument with a long history like Grand Central, there’s plenty to write home about. As those who have followed this blog for a while know, I have an affinity...