Some months ago I randomly stumbled upon the old railroad depot in Canaan. Stumbled is really the appropriate word – I wasn’t looking for, nor expecting the station. I suppose one could say the station found me. In the original post I wrote about the station, I mentioned that I knew there had been a fire there, and after seeing fire photos in the internet I had assumed the station would be demolished. How wrong I was!
Apparently I am not the only person fascinated by the old Canaan depot. That original post has been one of the most popular stories on the blog this year. Not to mention that the people I’ve met from Canaan are fiercely proud of their depot, and proud of the railroading history of their town. Perhaps this is why I find them, and this depot so endearing.
The work on the station continues, and has progressed a little bit since the last time I was here. This time I was able to actually see the inside, which I hadn’t been able to do before. And I am not going to lie, seeing a train waiting on the platform right outside makes this place look so much more alive! I was only at the depot for a short time, and didn’t get a chance to partake in all of the activities (there was a parade, and even fireworks one night!), but I did manage to get a few photos…
As a side note, I noticed that on the depot’s website there is a form for ordering an engraved brick that will be placed at the station. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting one and having them write on it (assumedly we’re not advanced enough to be placing QR codes on bricks…) Anyone want to contribute? They cost $150.
Nice to see them working on the interior. I went out looking for old stations along the line about a month ago (and stopped at Canaan of course). There are a lot of nice old stations still along the line (most now private). You’re right, the station does look a lot more alive with a train at the platform. How far did they go on the train ride?
Just saw your picture of the schedule. Looks like they went all the way to Stockbridge.
The day I went, the train only went up to Great Barrington. All of the days, however, people were not permitted to get off the train at either GB or Stockbridge stations. You pretty much got to the station and turned back around.
Glad you made it up to the station and saw the inside and took the train ride. Our club had a couple of small model RR. layouts running in the station. I was there on both Saturdays (one of the many gray haired guys with the green shirts and green hats). Would have like to have met you in person. Nice pictures of the train at the station and on the ride. As the other poster said there are many more restored and beautiful station all along the Berkshire line from New Milford up to Pittsfield.
Regards, John
I definitely looked at the model RR layouts, and you might have even saw me walking around. I took a few photos, but I didn’t think they did those amazing layouts justice, and thus did not post them. Actually – you said you were there on both Saturdays, I ended up going on the last Sunday, so perhaps you were not there that day.
As for the other stations, I’ve posted New Milford, Stockbridge, and Lenox previously. You mention Pittsfield though, is the original station still there?
Thanks for the comments on our layouts. As for Pittsfield I know that the New Haven Berkshire line trains used to share a station with the New York Central’s Boston and Albany trains. I do not believe that they had there own station but someone correct me if I am wrong. As far as I know that station used to be located were the present transportion center (Amtrak Lake Shore Limited stop) is now. I did take a few trains on the NYC out of that old station back in the 60’s to Syracuse. As for other Berkshire Line stations north of New Milford other than the ones that you have covered that come to mind are, Gaylordsville (Merwinsville Hotel (link:, Kent (restored art gallery?), Cornwall Bridge (private residense?). West Cornwall (private next to covered bridge), GT. Barrington (private fenced off), Rising (Alice’s Church not a station but of Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant fame next to tracks), Housatonic (standing not in good shape), and Lee (Sullivans Restaurant). I may have missed a few so if anyone else has any thoughts please jump in.
I was visiting friends who had recently purchased a house in Milbook and used that as an excuse to check out what was left of the “Upper Harlem Division”. It was truly a sad sight to see. I drove east into Connecticut and stopped at the Canaan station. What amazed me was the south facing station identification sign attatched to the platform canopy was still as clear as could be. It was obviously from the Penn Central days since it had a Penn Central green backround and the lettering at an angle. No peeling was visible . The only thing was the name Canaan was in a tan color instead of bright white. Perhaps this had been caused by the elements. To me it was amazing after all this time.