It has been brought to my attention that on Monday I was a lazy fool and did not post any old photos. I’ll admit, Monday was a bit busy of a day. Trains had their new schedules, and I was of course forced to change the train I had been taking for the past two or so years. Oh, we are such habitual creatures that hate change at times. I enjoyed my normal train, and wonder a little as to what happened to the other folks that got displaced by silly schedule changes… the blind guy, the mouth breather, the non-stop eater, the old lady that complains that the gap is too far for her and her cane and delays the train doors from closing until she gets help… even the school kids. But really, I think I am just creeped out by those Wassaic people on the alternate train I’m now riding. I think someone was scowling at me when I said good morning to the conductor. The complete silence of the train, except for the rumbling of diesel engine, was really putting me to sleep. One of these days, I guarantee you, I will find myself having missed my stop.

In other news, I also learned that the shuttle launch was delayed – to the day I am flying out to South Africa. I’ve not cancelled my plans altogether yet, I’m hoping for another delay, which will likely place the launch in June. Hey, one can hope, right?

Oh and lastly, before the old photos, I just wanted to let you all know that this weekend I will be taking a trip to one of the abandoned Upper Harlem Line stations for photos… just in time to get posted for my invention, Harlem Railroad Month. I have a feeling that they’ll be pretty cool. Or at least I hope. I purchased a few new lenses to try out on my camera. For now though, here are some more New York City horsecar and streetcar photos… I think somewhere in that mix there is another shot of Grand Central Depot, a beautiful building, but not quite as wondrous as our Terminal today.


You know what would be a really crappy (pardon the extremely lame pun) job? Whoever had to clean up after those horsecars. I’m not too sure why all of a sudden I was thinking about that…

1 Response

  1. Al Cyone says:

    The third picture shows Columbus Circle with just a bit of the SW corner of Central Park visible on the right. I wonder what that building was between Broadway and CPW.

    All the pictures are fascinating. I just wish others would identify some of them.

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