This morning marked the arrival of our new shuttle bus. Within minutes of waiting, however, it seemed as though we were about to get hijacked by a masked man. Upon further scrutiny it seemed as though we were mistaken: it was just another passenger waiting out in the bitter cold for a bus that was going to be late. Typical.

Though the new bus is nice, I must admit. It turns out that the robot man is not our driver, it is some other guy. And we thought the robot drove slow, this as yet un-nicknamed fellow is even slower. Even poor bag lady missed her train (boo hoo). Just the part that the bus no longer picks us up in front of the train station isn’t the most fun. At least there you could wait in the vestibule, which is at times warmer even than the waiting room. Now we get picked up across the street by the Greyhound stop, and thus have no warm place to wait. (and now I deserve a good sarcastic boo hoo for myself).

Another side effect of the cold weather is that the pigeons begin to sneak inside the train station. I had been wondering where they were for a month or so now. Most people think pigeons are dumb, but they have to have some smarts to know they’d rather be inside than out in the cold, and practice amusing methods of getting in. I hadn’t seen any of them inside until today. A pigeon tore through the upstairs waiting room earlier this evening, flying over the people waiting for their (late) trains. Just in general freaking people out. Terrorizing the train riders, though today nobody ran off screaming. One of these times I need to capture that on video.

After writing all of this, it seems that everything is pretty normal over in White Plains. But on the home front, Goldens Bridge, it seems that everything is not. Here we don’t have pigeons, but people terrorizing the station. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is the obnoxious area skater kids, drunk on a weekend with nothing else better to do. They’re probably the ones to blame for the graffiti I mentioned before (and some new graffiti that appeared this afternoon), but maybe not for the weekend’s escapade of kicking in all the glass panels on all the doors of the south side vestibule. Maybe it was creepy, perpetually drunk Santa Claus. Who knows? Though, uhh, Metro-North? I can live with the fact that you never wash the windows. I suppose I will live, albeit a little frustrated, when you don’t clean up the graffiti. But umm… will you at least fix the glass? Is this train station even safe? Should I be carrying mace around on my keychain?

9 Responses

  1. Rich Carthew says:

    The mask kinda suits Paul!lol

  2. Hahaha, I am amused that you recognized him. :D How are you doing man? It has been a while. And I am soooo terrible about keeping up with people!

  3. i am submitting a comment as requested by the writer: This was a very informative article. I was pleasured by the humorous undertones and the complexity of the language used for such a dynamic blog…profound….just profound.

  4. Rich Carthew says:

    Been good, Santa made it to the Andes in Peru! – we just got back from a 4 day Inca Trail hike & Santa (a.k.a Llama Path Porter) made an appearance with cake an all!! check:http://www.face​​emily-elizabeth​-moser/the-atte​mpted-hijacking​-of-bus-702/234​152734161#/phot​o.php?pid=30924​677&id=13417941​16Rich

  5. Dsalt Saltydog says:

    i am submitting a comment as requested by the writer: This was a very informative article. I was pleasured by the humorous undertones and the complexity of the language used for such a dynamic blog…profound​….just profound.

  6. Rich Carthew says:

    Been good, Santa made it to the Andes in Peru! – we just got back from a 4 day Inca Trail hike & Santa (a.k.a Llama Path Porter) made an appearance with cake an all!! check:

  7. Rich Carthew says:

    Been good, Santa made it to the Andes in Peru! – we just got back from a 4 day Inca Trail hike & Santa (a.k.a Llama Path Porter) made an appearance with cake an all!! check:

  8. Sheryl says:

    I am still thinking about the last blog post I commented on and I can’t believe it’s like another world on the other end of the White Plains platform – a totally different set of rules and people.

    Anyway, I kind of love the idea of the chaos the pigeons must cause. I hope you do get that on tape. I once managed to record a few seconds of video of a bat in Grand Central!

    I know how much it sucks to wait outside for a bus in this weather. I do it every morning and evening. Just one leg of my commute.

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